Diabetes Sucks!!!

I don't like it! I don't want it! But I've got it! And once you have it, you always have it. But I can do something about it and that is what this blog is about. My journey to better health and wellness. Yes, for the rest of my life!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lots of new stuff to tell...sit and read...

25:07 (Friday)
Weight - 154 lbs.
23:52 (Saturday)
FBS - 107
Weight - 157 lbs.
This week has been different for me. I was at an all time low with my mood and low energy to boot. I was pretty sore from the upper body workout I did last week and it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be to coordinate workouts with KJ. Plus, the late afternoon/evening rains kept me from walking outside. This week went like a flash. I was just at my niece's wedding shower 5 minutes ago!!!
Anyway, I went to PF yesterday for upper body and today for lower body. Along with the runs I did. That is good exercise but it won't show up on my walking schedule. I'm not going to change the schedule/goal because I know I will be doing more as the weather cools the last few months of the year. Even if I don't hit the 1,000 miles walking, I know that by running, I'm doing even more for my cardiovascular. So, the ultimate goal of keeping fit is going strong. I'm maintaining a mid 150 range and my clothes are all loose on me except for my size 10s which are fitting nice and shapely! *smile*
For the good stuff - working out with KJ is a plus side for me. I am glad he wanted to go and he is doing great. I think it will be a big boost to his physique when he returns as a sophomore in August. And it is a boost to me to have a compadre to workout with, even if he is passing me by leaps and bounds.
The next issue on an upswing is my mood. I research all the time and I had my massage this week. Between the two, I came up with a plan that I have already implemented. Besides the low mood, I was haviong problems with sleep - especially dreams and clenching my fists and teeth. Jonah mentioned that his girlfriend takes Melatonin to aide in sleeping. Well, I looked it up to see what was available and there are many different combos of pills. Melatonin is a hormone in your body that is made naturally. It is secreted by the pineal gland (a small gland in the brain) and it has to do with setting the "tone" for sleep. The people who are diagnosed with SAD (seasonal affective disorder) have a low melatonin level possibly due to the body reacting to the change in sunset along with the daylight savings time. So, I went to Sam's and found a bottle of Melatonin along with a B vitamin and after taking it the last three nights, I have had a much more restful sleep and wake up more ready to "get up and moving". I had mentioned the prescription of Ambien that my OB/Gyn had given to me which I never filled and he poo-pooed it just like I was doing. I rather try something natural so the Melatonin did the trick.
The mood problem - Jonah had just seen an advertisement in a Costco catalogue with a bunch of different vitamin supplements something called Sam-E. He said it was a mood booster and might help. I looked up Sam-E on-line the night before I went to Sam's and found a lot more info on it. It sounded like just what I needed. It was pricey but with all the different supplements in it, I thought I might give it a try. (After all, the alternative is to be back on an antidepressant.) I have had 3 daily doses so far and have already noticed an upswing in my mood. The last thing I did was look up all the latest info on the ***AHEM***just clearing my throat - pyramid scheme - juices that you can purchase through the various "distributors". One doesn't give nutritional info on the packaging. The others give the info and I was able to look up info about them - good and bad. People are either for them or against them. Some swear by them and others say they are just overpriced vitamins, etc... I see some interest on my part to give them a try but not the $30-40 per bottle price that I would have to fork out to a distributor. So, back at Sam's again, they had several bottles and I bought two. One was called Glacial Milk and it appeared to be packed with plenty of supplements that might bring better health to me. It was $19 per bottle. The other was Frut A Vie which it says on the web is a Mona Vie knock off only much less expensive. I found it at Sam's for $17 per bottle so I am going to try it after I finish the Glacial Milk. I am hoping to see some great results. I don't think I can lose. We'll see.