Diabetes Sucks!!!

I don't like it! I don't want it! But I've got it! And once you have it, you always have it. But I can do something about it and that is what this blog is about. My journey to better health and wellness. Yes, for the rest of my life!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Good range of time...

A quick walk/run yesterday. Very cool out, even in the sun.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Time off...lavender

I took off TH, F, Sa for a little R & R and to avoid problems with a heavy "flow", if you know what I mean. Sometimes it is good to rest up the muscles and eat some good meals. That's just what I did. I got right back in the swing of things today and I feel good that I took the time off. Sometimes, I feel like I gained back all my weight but when I look in the mirror and put on my size 10 jeans, I realize that I am just as fit as ever and I feel so proud of my accomplishments with weight loss and exercise. What a feeling!!!