Diabetes Sucks!!!

I don't like it! I don't want it! But I've got it! And once you have it, you always have it. But I can do something about it and that is what this blog is about. My journey to better health and wellness. Yes, for the rest of my life!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What do you wear?

FBS - 100
Mood: content
When I go out for my walks, I have a specific "attire" that I put on. It consists of a t-shirt and sports bra, bike shorts or capris, wicking socks, a headband, walking shoes and a towel. I don't put it on at the beginning of the day, I put it on just prior to walking out the door for my walk. The reason, for me, is to know that this is a ritual where I spend my time before walking as a preparation. Putting on my walking clothes is a part of this, as well as checking my cell phone for battery power (it is also my music), getting a bottle of water or gatorade and putting on some sunblocker lip balm. It makes you feel as if the walk is a scheduled activity. Like when you go to a gym. You put on gym clothes to start your workout and then remove them when you are done. The time that you put them on is an awareness of the impending activity that you have mentally set aside for yourself. The preparation allows me to focus on the reasons why I am doing this. I think about the exercise that my body will get, physically and mentally. There is also the spiritual side that plays into it. I think about any things that are going on in my life and how I can work those out in my head as I walk and breathe. It works well for me. Positive thoughts seem to come into my head as I begin. I pray for others not able to walk for whatever reason and appreciate all that allows me to be able to do so. This mental and spiritual "attire" is as important as the t-shirt and shorts I have put on. And I know I have made a conscious effort to keep fulfilling my goal of walking 4 days per week. If I just throw my walking clothes on at the beginning of the day and "hope" I can make time to get out and walk, chances are, I won't. I have prioritized my life better and walking has become the main priority. With that said, I think I am wearing success!

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