Diabetes Sucks!!!

I don't like it! I don't want it! But I've got it! And once you have it, you always have it. But I can do something about it and that is what this blog is about. My journey to better health and wellness. Yes, for the rest of my life!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Another entry for Sunday...Sunday's walk...

Okay, today's walk was less than stellar. I felt all discombobulated. Just not well put together. My hips didn't cooperate, my hamstrings were tight and fighting movement, I had a hard time keeping up with the music beat. *sigh* But, I still kept going and finished under my goal (being less than a 16 minute mile). I can only do what my body will let me. I struggle sometimes and still keep going to the end. No giving up. Winning is completing the task, not necessarily defeating the last task done. Tomorrow, I will take the day off to rest...well, at a theme park...walking all day!!! But, I should be ready for a more productive walk on Tuesday.

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