Diabetes Sucks!!!

I don't like it! I don't want it! But I've got it! And once you have it, you always have it. But I can do something about it and that is what this blog is about. My journey to better health and wellness. Yes, for the rest of my life!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Heat Is On...

-Glenn Frey (The Eagles)
Yes, today is was a hot one. I began my walk before 6 pm and that was at 81 degrees!!! I brought along 2 bottles. One with water to start with and the other with Gatorade. Glad I did...I polished them both off!!! I put the water bottle (half filled) in the freezer the night before and filled it to the top with cold water. When the water is gone and only a big blob of ice remains, I put that bottle in my fanny pack and take out the Gatorade and finish that one then I finish up the water which is melted by that time. Sometimes, I have put a half bottle of Gatorade in the freezer, too, just so it doesn't get too hot. Yeah, it really can get too warm being held in my hot hands!!! I'm still tempted to get that Camelbak and start using it. I figure if I have that on my back, I can start using hand weights when I walk. I will have to work out the Gatorade part. I will probably put ice cubes and water to about 3/4 way and fill it the rest of the way up with Gatorade. Watered down but that's okay. I don't mind the taste as long as it is cold enough and the Gatorade has the electrolytes I need for the walk...especially in the heat of the upcoming summer.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Over 1/3 of the way there for the year!

New shoes, sore legs, decent time, 'nuff said.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It's a diamond day!!! And Earth Day, too!!!
I had a spring in my step. I had no pain. I did wear my old gym shoes to walk in. I am going to take a few walks to wear my new shoes for good.
On a really good note...more half full glass stuff...I bought 3 pairs of jeans today, well, four - three from Macy's and one from Target.....all of them are a size 10! YIPPEE!!! Yes, I can fit in them really well. It still surprises me when I try on 10s and they fit fine. It shows how complacent I was with the heavier weight. I'm so glad I took the bull by the horns and stayed determined. I feel younger and younger every day!!!
About the jeans, I have noticed that they are making them differently from years ago. Hip huggers are back and even hippier than before. I will have to get used to that. No more riding on the waist...which means I had to get new scivies.....no more grannie panties...these are bikinis!!! Next purchase....a real bikini bathing suit!!!!


Monday, April 21, 2008

Get up and Boogie...

Weight - 157 lbs.
FBS - 109

Okay, I put on a new pair of walking shoes for my walk today. Yes, they need to be broken in a few more walks!!! Wow! They were tight! And my toes were tingling!!! My time was respectable, though.
I noticed today (since, I think there are only women who read my blog), that my mood is just not up to snuff. This peri-menopause stuff is really wearing me down...mentally and physically. My period was 5 days early and with a lot more symptoms...breat tenderness 2 weeks before I started, cramping, heavier periods than usual, and hot and cold flashes!!! Sheesh!!! But, I do have to say that in mentioning it to fellow Bunko players last week who are experiencing peri-menopause also...they have more extreme symptoms than I do plus fibroids and other experiences that I am missing...gratefully missing, that is!!! So, with the mood today of "I don't feel like walking"....."I'm too tired"....."I'll walk tomorrow"....."It's so hot".....(me whining)...I told myself to get off my lazy a@@ and get out in the heat with plenty of H2O and Gatorade and get walking....AND QUIT WHINING and COMPLAINING!!!!!
So, I listened to myself and did. It wasn't easy but I just did. Put new shoes on, put on my other usual gear and just started walking. Now, I feel accomplished...kind of like the day I came home from the overnight Relay for Life. Okay, not quite that accomplished, but close!