Diabetes Sucks!!!

I don't like it! I don't want it! But I've got it! And once you have it, you always have it. But I can do something about it and that is what this blog is about. My journey to better health and wellness. Yes, for the rest of my life!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

lime green for today...

Weight - 143.5 lbs.
You might be wondering what the color is mentioned above, well, I wear a different color t-shirt each time I go out and I write on them the date, number of the walk (over with now) and the miles I've walked. So, since they get backed up in the wash, I have to jot it down to remember which one I wore which day. I could write it down beforehand but it could change and I don't want to have any "boo-boos".

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