Diabetes Sucks!!!

I don't like it! I don't want it! But I've got it! And once you have it, you always have it. But I can do something about it and that is what this blog is about. My journey to better health and wellness. Yes, for the rest of my life!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Keep pluggin'

I burned up the turf tonight. Well, it's still dusk but I got out at 5 pm. Luckily the days are gettting longer again (since the winter solstice) and I can do my walk/run later each day, if needed. The weather was 76 when I started. A great temp as it was cooling a little each minute. I'm wheezing a bit at the end but I could smell burning embers from a distance. I may need my inhaler again. Especially when the leaves start budding and pollen is in the air. A new year and new growth. I look forward to more improvements.

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