Diabetes Sucks!!!

I don't like it! I don't want it! But I've got it! And once you have it, you always have it. But I can do something about it and that is what this blog is about. My journey to better health and wellness. Yes, for the rest of my life!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Swollen and tingling

That was my hands just before I called my son to bring me a bottle of Gatorade after about 3/4 of my walk. I could feel my hands swelling and I was getting dry quickly. Trying to keep my usual pace with an 86 degree temperature outside and the hot sun in full view. I used up my only bottle of water just before I called him. I knew I wouldn't make it home without something. I had that happen over the summer last year and I was just over halfway done with my walk then. Luckily, the community pool was right across the street and I walked into the ladies room and hopped in the shower - clothes on...socks and shoes off. I filled my 2 bottles of water, (yes, I had drank 2 by that time) asked for a packet of salt and walked home without any further incident. It was well over 90 degrees that day. I keep thinking I will be fine but you never know with the heat. I vow to take 2 bottles from now on and I am looking into getting a Camelbak as it holds more and I wouldn't have to carry the bottles...you use a tube clipped to your clothes. I'm glad it was the weekend and someone was home to help me out. KJ always helps out.

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